Monday, August 17, 2009

The Web and the Evolution of Mind

I’ll be starting another blog that discusses themes from my book Digital Mythologies. Some of these explore the role of the Web in the evolution of mind. Here’s a passage from the book that I wanted to share here:

In the best case scenario, the Internet could foster a deeper understanding of cross-cultural values which has so far been an elusive goal. With this might come a more nuanced understanding of the more arbitrary qualities of the human condition. In addition, it might reinforce the notion that we create our own individual realities (while society mass produces them) and the notion that separate realities of equal value ands validity can and do coexist. The Net may have at least the potential to become vehicle for reconciling the postmodern Pandora’s box of jarringly subjective truths in so far as they can be reconciled. Or, alternatively, perhaps such an option is a pleasant chimera that lead us towards an impossible to manage cultural entropy.

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